How I sold $73,000 in event sponsorship's in 6 months (and I didn’t know anyone)

Prior to starting my business, I worked as a corporate event planner for a company in Southern California.

As an event planner, I would never handle event sponsorship sales or even advise on sponsorship’s.  The most involvement I had with sponsors was if they wanted a poster at the event, and make sure that it was displayed correctly.  My clients were always responsible for that piece and to be honest, way back when in 2007 it was a completely foreign concept to me. 

In 2010, when I opened the doors of my own company in a new state, I started to take on work that was a little different than what I was used to… nonprofit events.  

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Danielle Snelson
6 Steps to Securing Sponsors

A very common reason that a nonprofit tells me that they are unable to secure larger sponsors for their event is that they are a small entity and the larger more well-known organizations get all the funding. 

Totally understand where that mindset comes from, but I’m gonna call your bluff and tell you this is just an excuse and not a legitimate claim. Wanna know why I can say that? 

Because there are an abundance of corporations out there dying to find causes to give their money to, no matter the size and because I’ve worked first hand with micro nonprofits that have done the work and found the funding.  All it requires is a little dedication, ingenuity, and some elbow grease.  

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Danielle Snelson
3 Ways You Can Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs About Sponsors

Selling event sponsorship’s is one of the most dreaded roles when it comes to planning a fundraising event.  Over the last decade, I’ve worked with nonprofit organizations planning their fundraising events and this is the most misunderstood roll among nonprofit staff, board members and volunteers. During my time working with organizations I’ve collected some limiting beliefs that are commonly seen throughout organizations that seem to be struggling with selling event sponsorship’s.  Believe me, you’re not the only one that might feel this way… or get those nervous butterflies in your stomach when you think about having to approach a sponsor and asking for the big bucks!

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