3 Ways You Can Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs About Sponsors
Selling event sponsorship’s is one of the most dreaded roles when it comes to planning a fundraising event. Over the last decade, I’ve worked with nonprofit organizations planning their fundraising events and this is the most misunderstood roll amongst nonprofit staff, board members and volunteers. During my time working with organizations I’ve collected some limiting beliefs that are commonly seen throughout organizations that seem to be struggling with selling event sponsorship’s. Believe me, you’re not the only one that might feel this way… or get those nervous butterflies in your stomach when you think about having to approach a sponsor and asking for the big bucks!
Since you’re still reading this, I have a feeling there is something holding you back from either selling sponsorship in the first place… OR taking your current sponsorship situation and expanding them, whether that means upping your existing levels or selling more.
I really want you to dive into the reasons you have fear around selling sponsorship’s for your event. What is it that is really holding you back? I typically find that it's usually not in the physical act of selling sponsors that is scary… its something that we tend to believe about our own selves that hold us back. There are so many things it can be, but I typically find that our own limiting beliefs about our money and financial situations restrict us from believing that someone else would do something differently.
For example, if I believe that $10,000 is a lot of money and I’m also in debt and are personally financially restricted, I’m going to have to change my mindset about what I believe in order to work with my presenting sponsor at 10k. The belief will translate during my communication with the sponsor and potentially hinder me from working with them. Bottom line, if I don’t believe it, neither will they.
Limiting beliefs about sponsorship sales
I wanted to volunteer for planning this event and didn’t sign up to sell sponsorship’s
I’m not a salesperson, so I won’t be any good at selling sponsorship’s
I don’t know anyone
There is no way I could ever give that much so how can I ask someone else to?
I feel uncomfortable asking for money
I don’t totally understand what I’m selling
I love this nonprofit, but I need more information
I’m willing to do it, but I’m not sure how to even go about asking for money
It feels like a lot of money to be asking of someone and I don’t think it's fair
Asking for money feels like I’m asking for a handout or I’m begging.
It’s just flat out scary!
Do you resonate with one of these limiting beliefs? Leave me a comment and let me know what’s holding you back and what you’re going to do to change this limiting belief you have about sponsorship’s.
So what do we do about this? The good news is, you already have done the first step.
Step 1: Identify what your limiting belief(s) is.
Step 2: Transform your mindset from asking for a handout to providing value to someone else.
I really like step 2 because when you take a step back and look at the work you already do, regardless of what your cause is, you’re proving value to someone else. When you start looking at your sponsorship sales as a way to connect with companies who care about what you care about, you can start seeing them differently. Instead of looking at them as a source of money you can look at them and offer something that will help them, which then helps you further your mission.
At this point, sponsorship sales are really not about selling. Your goal isn’t to convince someone to sponsor your event like you’d try to convince someone to purchase a car.
Step 3: Build a trusted relationship and get creative!
Once you can mentally establish what the goal of having sponsorship support is, the fun part begins. Start taking these potential sponsors (or even existing sponsors) out for coffee. Start learning what it is they really like about sponsoring an event, or yours… and also ask the hard question, what don’t they like about it. How can you improve and where do they find the most value being connected with you.
If you’re not having these conversations with your sponsors, you are leaving a lot on the table. This is the number 1 area that most nonprofits do not do, and is the number 1 thing that will help you meet your goals. I repeat, DO THIS.
As you begin to understand what your current or potential sponsors are looking for, what their likes and dislikes are and what is important to them. This puts you in the position to understand their needs and create something that only you can create. Put aside the list of sponsorship opportunities and take the time to understand what they want.
While these are just the first steps to overcoming the limiting beliefs you have around money and sponsorship’s, be encouraged that this is a big step and arguably the most important step to selling more sponsors for your next fundraising event.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you’re doing to overcome your limiting beliefs!
Want more on sponsorship’s? Check out my *new* FREE email course, “5 Steps: How to Get More Sponsors!” HERE.